Union KBH

Friday 24th Nov 15:30 - 23:00

We Are The Giant

We Are the Giant tells the story of the Revolutions of Dignity through Libya, Syria and Bahrain. It was released in early 2014.

  • Director: Greg Barker
  • Runtime: 1 hour 32 minutes
  • language: English, Arabic

After screening the movie, the panel discussion will focus on what has happened in the region since, what have we learned about revolutions and the forces that back dictatorships, and the importance of solidarity between movements. The panel will conclude with talking about organizing and messaging for moving forward – what is needed, and how we can organize to link movements beyond borders.

Panel Debate

Wafa Mustafa - Syria-Berlin, Khalid Albaih - Sudan-Norway, Maryaam Al-Khawaja - Bahrain-Denmark, Manilla Ghafuri - Afghanistan-Denmark

Milad Khawam

Milad is a trumpet player, producer & composer, based in Berlin and hailing in Damascus, where he studied classical and Arabic music.